To manage, conserve, and protect the natural resources of the Lavaca Basin in a responsible manner that provides opportunities for growth and benefits the public.

Regional River Forecast
Lake Texana & Weather Information
Current Radar (INTELLICAST)
Boat Ramp Information
Board Meetings Information
The Lavaca-Navidad River Authority was established to develop, conserve and protect the water resources of the Lavaca Basin.

The Palmetto Bend Project, commonly referred to as Lake Texana, was authorized by Congress to provide a reliable water supply for municipal, industrial and environmental interests and to develop and enhance fish and wildlife resources and to enhance and provide public recreation opportunities. LNRA manages these various competing interests through operational and management decisions designed to protect the integrity of Lavaca Basin, Lake Texana and the Lands comprising the Palmetto Bend Project.

The mission of the Lavaca-Navidad River Authority is to manage, conserve, and protect the natural resources of the Lavaca Basin in a responsible manner that provides opportunities for growth and benefits the public.
Upcoming Events
Community Development Partnership Program Review Committee
September 5, 2024

A meeting is scheduled for Community Development Partnership Program Review Committee for Thursday, September 5, 2024 at noon in the Board Meeting Room of the Lavaca Navidad River Authority Office Complex, 4631 FM 3131, located approximately seven(7) miles east of Edna.   For more information please call (361) 782-5229.


Board of Directors Meeting
September 25, 2024

LNRA Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. in the Board Meeting Room of the Lavaca Navidad River Authority Office Complex, 4631 FM 3131, located approximately seven(7) miles east of Edna.   To access the meeting:

For more information please call (361) 782-5229.





Board of Directors Meeting
October 16, 2024

LNRA Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 7:30 a.m. in the Board Meeting Room of the Lavaca Navidad River Authority Office Complex, 4631 FM 3131, located approximately seven(7) miles east of Edna.  For more information please call (361) 782-5229.


LNRA Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 7:30 a.m. in the Board Meeting Room of the Lavaca Navidad River Authority Office Complex, 4631 FM 3131, located approximately seven(7) miles east of Edna.  For more information please call (361) 782-5229.